Learnings, teachings, tips and tricks for you to reference during difficult and stressful times - for your study life, work life and adulting in general

Feel that academic burnout creeping closer? Here's how to minimise end-of-semester exhaustion
We're so close to the end of semester! Assignment due dates are piling up, and exam period is looming. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get to the finish line while still keeping your sanity and wits about you!

How to find your learning style
Ever felt like you just don’t know how to study? Or are you struggling to organise your lecture notes in a meaningful way? Maybe you’ve tried someone else’s revision method and it’s not quite right for you? Understanding your learning style is important as it allows you to learn in a way that makes sense to you and your brain. Learn more in Eliza’s latest blog article.

How to create a Wordpress blog
Did you ever needed to create a blog for a uni assignment? Not sure where to start? Here is a quick how-to video on creating a Wordpress blog. Filmed for RMIT University's Digital Marketing course, but applicable for the general audience too!

Do university students need a resume to get a job? Or is LinkedIn or something else more important?
Once upon a time, the resume was the king of job search. Resume or Curriculum Viète (CV), those few pages of text were the difference between landing your dream job or returning to the queue of job wannabees. But times have changed. Digital has overtaken paper. So the question is, do you even need a resume these days or can we just rely on LinkedIn and other digital media? Andrew Ford explores this topic.

How university students and young graduates can invigorate your company: The benefits of hiring young people
Young graduates and university students are often overlooked by hiring managers. Shinyi Chin discusses her top 3 benefits of why you should give university students and fresh graduates a chance the next time you’re thinking about hiring.

Why Those Awkward Ice Breakers Might Just Be Worth The Stress: the importance of connecting with others at university
Not only have Covid-19 lockdowns and remote education posed a significant threat to our learning, but they have also limited our ability to connect with others and immerse ourselves in university culture. Here, Eliza Wright discusses the importance of connecting with your peers at university.